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The word Jackanapes proceeding forth from Bill's mouth is defined as:

Jackanapes: (Noun) A conceited or impudent person. A mischievous child.

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...(don't be diffident!)

Source(s) used for the word "Jackanapes":

  1.  http://www.thefreedictionary/jackanapes

Bill has mentioned the word "Jackanapes" 22 times*, on the following show dates:

2021-Feb-23 (Tue)
2017-Jan-31 (Tue)
2016-Nov-10 (Thu)
2016-May-23 (Mon)
2015-Dec-07 (Mon)
2015-Nov-18 (Wed)
2015-Jun-18 (Thu)
2015-May-05 (Tue)
2015-Apr-21 (Tue)
2015-Feb-09 (Mon)
2014-Oct-20 (Mon)
2013-Oct-08 (Tue)
2013-Mar-27 (Wed)
2012-Jul-16 (Mon)
2012-Mar-16 (Fri)
2012-Mar-08 (Thu)
2011-Oct-28 (Fri)
2011-Aug-29 (Mon)
2011-Apr-26 (Tue)
2011-Mar-29 (Tue)
2011-Jan-03 (Mon)
2010-Jul-23 (Fri)

*Since 2010-Mar-11


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